Frame 10: Good start from Michael made 9, Mark on 90 frame winner 5-5.
Frame 11: 47-20 White Mark in a snooker which he hits, White plays a beauty of a shot position was perfect will go on and win the frame deserves to, and he does 6-5 White.
Frame 12: Mark 30 points ahead (34-4) 4 more added due to White fouling, White has a plant to resurrect his break gets it 4 points behind 30 break, now 44 is the break, great red 11 ahead, nice cannon White looks odds on for the frame, 60 now, blue needed and all colours for a good break, blue goes in, 65 break from White snooker on yellow, Mark lays one back, Mark can now tie due to Michael hitting the green which is a foul, Mark can now win the frame mind you Michael so close to hitting the yellow, long thinking time for Mark over what to do, over 3 minutes in fact, Michael potted the yellow 25 ahead 25 on, Mark has a chance of clearing to force a re-spotted black, but is in trouble after potting the green and finishing a long way from the brown, double kiss on the brown Michael will win the frame.
Frame 13: Break of 72 to win this one from Michael
Frame 14: Williams gets on back 6-8
Frame 15: 85 from White gets him one away
Frame 16: White completes the win with a break of 96.
In the opening frame of the second session, Williams drew level with a 90 break, but, White - much like Williams, renowned for his potting - ground out the next to re-take the advantage.
Williams, revered for his long potting ability, appeared bereft of confidence and, White, on his first appearance at the Crucible, then made a 90 and followed that up with a 96 to secure a place in the next round and consign the former double world champion to the ignominy of a first round defeat.
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